1997.7-2002.9 中国洛阳浮法玻璃集团有限公司 从事企业管理工作
2002.9-2005.7 武汉理工大学 攻读硕士学位
2005.9-2011.12 武汉理工大学 攻读博士学位
2012.4-至今 河南工业大学(原郑州粮食学院)从事教学和科研工作
1. 《物流系统分析》、 Carlos F. Daganzo著;张庆英,岳卫宏,程丹 译. 北京:电子工业出版社,2010.9.
2. 《物流工程专业英语 (第2版)》. 张庆英,岳卫宏,李郁 编著. 北京:电子工业出版社,2013.1.(副主编)
3. 《物流案例分析与实践(第2版)》. 张庆英,岳卫宏,张莹 编著. 北京:电子工业出版社,2015.1.(副主编)
4. Weihong Yue, Qingying Zhang. A way to informationize the ship outfitting pallet control. The 11th International Conference on Communication Technologies (ICCT2008), Hangzhou, China, 2008.11. (IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex: 090511880945)
5. Weihong Yue, Chengfang Wang and Qingying Zhang. Research on the shipbuilding production management system under modern shipbuilding. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI’2008), Beijing, China, 2008.10. (ISTP, EI Compendex: 090211850548)
6. Weihong Yue and Qingying Zhang. Research on the shipbuilding supply chain risk control. 2008 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, Qingdao, China, pp. 2205-2208, 2008.9. (ISTP, EI Compendex: 084811743488)
7. Qingying Zhang, Weihong Yue and Chengfang Wang. Research on the application of CSCW in shipbuilding industry. 2008 International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, Guangzhou, China, pp.834-838, 2008.8. (ISTP, EI Compendex: 084311653945)
8. Weihong Yue, Chengfang Wang, Qingying Zhang. Research on the shipbuilding logistics system under modern shipbuilding. 2008 ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, Guangzhou, China, vol.3, pp.222-225, 2008.8. (ISTP, EI Compendex: 084611692482)
9. 岳卫宏. 基于能力培养的《物流工程》课程教学方法研究. 物流技术,2015, 34(10): 215-217.